

The Pande Team consists of Michael Hunter, Michael France, & Elli Puukangas.

The plural Michaels are responsible for making words happen. More accurately, Hunter is the university-educated Story Man. The main beats are all him, as is story structure and oversight of character development. France is the unschooled chap with the characters, with the environs, and the critters, and with the turn of phrase and dialogue. Together, we argue over the fine detail of the script until it’s polished into something cohesive.

Elli is the gal with the incomparable art. She has the unenviable task of decrypting our desires and making them happen in line and colour; bringing characters to life and turning paragraphs into worldspaces. To say that she is ‘just’ our artist would be inaccurate and unfair, as through her we have recognised errors made and learned much of How To Comic. She’s also our general Finland Consultant. She keeps rats. We like her.


Pandemonium is a hodge-podge by anyone’s standards.

We’ve drawn our influence from the reality-bending antics Arkady and Boris Strugatsky, and the wonderful works of Eoin Colfer, especially the core idea of a world within a world, and shameless inspiration from the late Terry Pratchett, and his way of always illustrating not just a fantastical world, but one that lives and breathes and trades and worries about whether its kids are alright.

We hope to craft a reality within a reality, populated with vibrant characters and rich environs, strange critters and the normality of every-day wonders.