Smuggling in the Roussel Zone
/Tunnel life. What's it like? Well, it's a whole other world down there, supposedly sealed off from the surface. All traffic in and out is meant to go through the UN-controlled gateways.
But humans are humans and demons are not entirely unlike humans either. There is, perhaps inevitably, a cottage-industry of fabrication and a black-market trade in prohibited goods smuggled in.
Whether it's Nimbus-rich antique weapons and tools, church-roof lead (they say it's holy), bulk-packs of socks, bulk-packs of cigarettes or illicit coffee beans (demons go wild for the stuff), there's a market for it. And a network of traders, carriers, go-betweens and brokers to disperse it, on both sides of the equation.
Nice Bazzer is one of those traders. We put up a pic of him on the Kickstarter main page, with his railvan and trailer. Enterprising folks like Nice Bazzer wander the tunnels selling anything to anyone, and are afforded a sort of neutral status by all. Traders are among a scant few humans who can roll up to the gates of the demon city of Crux without special invitation.
The tunnel trade network is also responsible for smuggling out artefacts and trinkets made by Demons, along with tunnel-fauna and souvenirs. Whether it's to rich collectors, zoos or museums, there is a great demand for all of it, and fast cash to be made. For those willing to take the risk, anyway.
The main UN bases and other serious human installations of the Roussel Zone generally have a policy against this sort of thing. The trade in socks and blades and tools is one thing, but exporting Shale Mantids or Puddle Sharks tends to be frowned upon. There is an exception, though: Cheller's Bar. We'll come to that another time.
What's the upshot of these opportunists? What's it all about? Well, those who work in the tunnels can't always get what they want. Supplies and equipment at the main Freeholds are regulated and controlled, and often out of stock. The pay is frequently bad, and there's rarely the option to just head topside and go for a stroll around Helsinki's shopping centres. Not without a quarantine period.
The canny R.Z. resident has to shop around.